Get Job, Experience, etc.
Lecturer in Universitas of Jember.
Postgraduate in 11st March University
FICOS Internship
Graduate in 11st March University
NAMA | Wiwin Hartanto, S.Pd., M.Pd |
Jenis Kelamin | Laki-Laki |
Jabatan Fungsional | Lektor |
Pangkat / Golongan | Penata / IIIc |
NPWP | 88.689.781.8-646.000 |
NIP | 198709242015041001 |
Tempat, Tanggal Lahir | Sragen, 24 September 1987 | | |
Website | |
NIDN | 0024098703 |
ID Scopus | 57208470530 |
ID Google Scholar | 7kJ041oAAAAJ |
ID IPI | 0024098703 |
ID Sinta | 5977461 |
Wiwin Hartanto | |
Research Gate | Wiwin-Hartanto |
Publons | 5010342 |
Alamat Kantor | Prodi Pendidikan Ekonomi FKIP UNEJ Jl. Kalimantan 37 Kampus Tegalboto, Jember, Jawa Timur, Indonesia 68121 |
Telp Kantor | 0331-334988, Fax.0331 332475 |
Lulusan yang telah dihasilkan | 9 |
Mata Kuliah yang Diampu |
Bidang Keahlian | Pendidikan Ekonomi: Macroeconomics |
S1 | S2 | S3 | |
Nama Perguruan Tinggi | Universitas Sebelas Maret | Universitas Sebelas Maret | - |
Bidang Ilmu | Pendidikan Ekonomi | Pendidikan Ekonomi | - |
Tahun Masuk-Lulus | 2006-2012 | 2012-2014 | - |
Judul Tugas Akhir | Persepsi Dosen Dan Mahasiswa Dalam Menggunakan Learning Management System Berbasis Moodle Sebagai Upaya Peningkatan Kualitas Pembelajaran Mahasiswa FKIP UNS | Pengembangan Sistem Manajemen Metode Data Mining Market Basket Analysis Untuk Menentukan Pola Tata Letak Produk Retail Assalam Hypermarket Surakarta Implementasi: Mata Kuliah Manajemen Pemasaran | - |
Nama Pembimbing/Promotor | 1. Aniek Hindrayani, SE., M.Si 2. Feri Setyowibowo, SE., MM |
1. Prof. Dr. Kohar Sulistyadi, M.Sie 2. Dr. Hery Sawiji, M.Pd |
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Journals, Proceedings, books, etc.
My Schedules.
Teaching in economic education with the competency of economic policy and learning innovation. The objective is typically accomplished through either an informal or formal approach to learning, including a course of study and lesson plan that teaches skills, knowledge or thinking skills.
Good writing is always about something. Write the argument of your book in a sentence, then stretch that out to a paragraph, and then to a one-page outline.
Macroeconomic Researcher to analyzes a wide range of economic data and market behavior to synthesize the implications for investors and the potential direction of policy and markets.
Senior PHP developer have more than 10 years experience in PHP web development, web design and consulting, custom web portals and e-commerce solutions.
Get Job, Experience, etc.
Lecturer in Universitas of Jember.
Postgraduate in 11st March University
FICOS Internship
Graduate in 11st March University
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